
  • Email for sending the customer provides creativity in HTML format. We can also provide us.
  • The owner of the bbdd adds the information to creativity.
  • DEM always issued by the head of the list, with the approval of creativity.
  • The list owner will provide at least one «report» on the results of the campaign

Personal address Book

  • Mono addresses in use.
  • You must cancel sending addresses once done.
  • It is mandatory to include the Information Privacy in the mailing (is provided by the owner).
  • It should inform the owner of the list of unsubscribe requests, modifications received by the customer.
  • All customers contacted ready to leave their data directly to the user thereof, will become part of the customers the same


  • The insert will usually not nominative.
  • The target of the insert must be máspreciso possible.
  • Insert measures will be provided by the owner of the list.
  • a place and method of delivery of the brochures are provided.
  • The list owner will approve creativity.

TeleMarketing –  Robinson Lists

Robinson List Service is managed by the exclusion publicity Spanish Association of Digital Economy and created as provided in the regulations on Data Protection. Personal Information to: mail, email or teléfono.Las entities should consult the Robinson List for not sending commercial communications to those who have registered on the Service when conducting advertising campaigns aimed at persons who are not their customers, partners, users, etc. .

Guarantees we offer


Databases according to privacy law.

Bases de datos segun la ley de privacidad.

Free advice.

Exchange lists.

Guarantees Agreement.

BBD own creation..

Certain data sources.

Trend results

It is not difficult to find ready for the global market